Why don't people think about how things work?
Passengers on my local train line often complain that the train heating or air conditioning is on when it shouldn't be. They seem to be under the illusion that the driver turns the heating on - presumably as a separate operation. I find this extraordinary. The driver gets into the cab and turns on the heating/aircon according to a guess of how hot it is in the carriages. Just a moment's though shows up why this is not true: 1) The c2c class 357 trains can run in formations of 4, 8 or 12 carriages. How can cab controls be configured to cope with these different configurations? Can the driver control each carriage individually, or each 4 car unit? Maybe s/he can control each HVAC unit separately - I think there are two per carriage - so that could be 24 units on one train. If s/he can control more than just whole train off or whole train on, how does s/he decide what to do in each case s/he has control over? 2) Given that our home and office HVAC systems are controlled by a time...