
Showing posts from April, 2019


It occurred to me today that people think that council tenants or people that the council has a duty to house are being shipped out of the borough so that it can be gentrified. When the council claim they are trying to regenerate the borough without gentrifying it it is basically dismissed as a lie. There's a video circulating under the caption "My town's regeneration doesn't include me" and/or "Losing My Home In The Name Of Regeneration". It's basically a lament that the subject and other people in similar to him are being squeezed out. He accepts the regeneration but doesn't accept the effect it is having / will have on him and others like him. But if we look at the factors affecting this situation, we see something slightly - perhaps subtly - different. (1) The high cost of housing in London (and the south-east). (2) The massive decrease in government grants to councils (3) The general government policy in favour of home ownership and